Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Osterizer Blender 542 Replacement Parts

change here?

of the people, by the people, for the people.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Raylene Richards Nurse Dream Stream

I'm going to live in washington DC_1

Population: 588,292
Department voters: 3
Governor: Fenty (Democrat, Mayor)

7% Other: 0%

results of the popular vote was:
OBAMA : 210,403
14,821 Other: 1,349

AS IN 2004:
Kerry: Bush 90.0%
9.0% Other: 1.0%

popular vote in 2004:
Kerry: Bush
183,876 :
21,907 Other: 2,517

Milena Velba At Home Packing


do not know why but today the sky is bright blue that I had not seen for a long time.
Tonight I'm excited. I do not happen a long time.
Obama's speech, that park, that people. How I envy the Americans.
Yet there is no historical necessity, we can do here. Politics is the realm of freedom.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Statler And Waldorf Gnome

Stars and Stars and Stripes

Never before has the U.S. I would be able to vote for Obama.