Friday, November 24, 2006

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Treat yourself WORK OF ART

As of November 25 and until December 20, the gallery Cosmo Caprarola Art presents an exhibition of works in small format, created by contemporary artists.
The gallery offers an unusual event, providing each artist three small paintings of the same size: a real challenge to their creativity.
Following the instructions of the founders, over sixty artists have worked with enthusiasm, to participate in this initiative.
Each artist will present three works for a total of about one hundred and eighty works on display.
Among the many outstanding names of famous artists such as Gian Paolo Berto, Aldo Rice, Sandro Trotti, Luigi Montanarini, Lino later, John Ratner, Siegfried Oliva, Gianni Testa, Gino Guide, Constantine Baldino, and many others.
To complete the review, a series of unique creations in pottery and more.

An exhibition generous offer to the public, but above all, an 'opportunity' that art lovers and collectors more careful not to be missed.

works on show:

Phebe Archer, Costantino Baldino, Giuly Barbagallo, Carlo Bazzoni Franco Bellardi, Gian Paolo Berto, Alessandro Bini, Mario Bozzo, Justin Bradshaw, Benedetta Bruzziches, Sandro Bruschetti, Alvaro Caponi, Cartridge Agostino, Alessia Clementi, Marianne Cordier, Mihaela Crause, Dino Cucinelli, Salvatore Daddario, Daniel , Antonella Dolphins, Rosita Faletri, Joseph Galli, Maria Rosa Giovannetti, Orlando Gonnella, Gino Guide, Michelino Iori, Patrick Iozzoli, Lula Kira, Marirosa La Gatta, Silvia Lamberti, Ana Maria Laurent, Danilo Majestic, Malin, Anna Marinuzzi, Paola Marinuzzi , yoke Marzi, Minja Mikic, Luigi Montanarini, Gianpiero Nucciarelli, Siegfried Oliva, Luca Pagni, Elizabeth Palmer, Rodolfo Pantaleoni, Sandro Pazzi, Ivana Puljic, John Ratner, Ilaria Rezza, Aldo Rice, Angelo Rossi, Anna Scagnoli, Stefano Schiara, Sciarrini Ferdinand, Paolo Sebastiani, Alessandro Severi, Stefania Stecchi, Tardia Lino, Gianni Testa, Franco Tomassoli, Sandro Trotti, John Ogier, Valan, Takahiro Watanabe.

From 25 Nov. to Dec. 20, 2006 Opening Saturday, November 25 18:00

Cosmo Art Gallery hours 9:30 to 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Square Romeo Romei, VT 4 01 032 Caprarola ItalyTel. + 39 3477383637

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Is Nivea Chapstick Halal In Canada?

WE ARE WITH ROBERTO against the Camorra

The commitment and passion of Roberto Saviano should be proud of Terra di Lavoro.
His words, his analysis, its stresses and challenges must be clear and sharp at the heart of each of us, of individuals, organizations, political parties, trade unions, universities, and institutions, civil and religious.
The closeness to him, to people and things that are dear, is weakening day by day.
We, his friends and peers, for these reasons put forward three proposals and initiatives where we feel personally involved: The blog, active today may be the modern instrument of solidarity constant. Visit, please leave your post, your signature and accession to our appeal (to the mail-box, must make public and clear that anyone who touches him will have even touched each of us, and each of us will receive a equal and opposite response.
ask the County Council to convene a session in the presence of the entire Board, and Roberto Saviano, clarifying the priorities and commitment in the fight against the Camorra, compared Iovine, Schiavone and orange blossom and all their cronies crooks who , as well, said Roberto Casal di Principe, and we are proud, and we know that the fund is too, of what he has written and said with "Gomorrah," "have to go from this earth."
To the City, the Province, the Church, University, schools, unions, employers, the Chamber of Commerce, associations and ask you to help us spread the words of Roberto Saviano, with boys and girls at all students of Terra di Lavoro: you buy the largest possible number of copies of the book, distribute it in every class in every parish, every association and club.
Begin, now, to articulate the response of healthy and democratic forces of our land: we are with Roberto.

Association New Energies
Sergio Carozza, direction prov. Ds Caserta
Vellante Henry, pres. Nat. Giosefo
Veniero Fusco, pres. Provincial Arcigay Caserta

Also I'm with Robert Francis
Dinacci (Left Youth Napoli)

I'm with Robert, or I would say I'm dead inside.
meg (

We are mobilizing all for a while Roberto. Raffaele

Free Associations, names and numbers against mafias
don Peppe Diana "Towards Contromafie in the province of Caserta"

Santuario Madonna di Briano (Villa di Briano, November 11 2006)
Towards Contromafie in the province of Caserta, an initiative led jointly by
FREE province, by the "Committee Don Peppe Diana" by the Province of Caserta and
(Department of legality) and
will take place on November 11 2006 to the sanctuary of Madonna di Briano (Villa di Briano
). Here, for a day, will discuss
representatives of associations, schools, public administrators, teachers, practitioners
communication, etc.. The purpose is to gather ideas, share
paths and proposals for a renewed commitment mafia, to take Rome
17, 18 and 19 November, where he held the States-General Antimafia

For membership the day of 11 November 2006 at the shrine of Our Lady of
Briano (Villa di Briano) to send the form attached to the e-mail or fax 0818167001

Sg Caserta City, solidarity with Saviano

One of the great lessons that we have left the judges Falcone and Borsellino is the great importance that covers society in combating gangs, without the support of citizens, the judiciary remains one and his work will be limited. In recent years, anti-Mafia movement has been renewed and invigorated because this time are young people, students and others, to have a leading role, in Calabria and kill us all now, in Sicily with "Addio Pizzo", in Campania, with student associations, and committees such as the anti-racket Don Peppe Diana and these are to name a few. But this is not enough, because you also need those who have the courage to denounce, to break the wall of omertà, the silence, to inform, to stir the conscience of any means of communication. Roberto Saviano, a freelance journalist and author of Gomorrah, complaint, information, stirs our consciences, what we already know but pretend not to see, to forget.
The intimidation and threats, as expected, there's and we also point to Robert Young of the Left Youth of the City of Caserta in addition to expressing solidarity and encouragement to call on all political forces in Caserta and representatives of institutions not to drop the alarm raised by the vacuum and Gomorrah by the author. It is not just to "listen to the complaints" but also to share in the first of a new way to fight the Camorra, which has continued for 365 days a year and deriving not only from pressure from the people only see the result acting alone and without direction.
The Section of Caserta City of Sg will be engaged for three months in the "campaign for the law against the Camorra" where there will be debates, conferences, movies and so on. The first event, in collaboration with Free University Left Labyrinth Cultural Association, is scheduled for Saturday, October 28 at 18.30 at the headquarters of the Labyrinth, "Parallel State" - forum for young people to the law against the Camorra, in which Speakers Lorenzo Diana and Gianni Allucci. For more information visit the website

Mobilize for Saviano threatened by the mafia. Senator Michael

We are with Roberto
Hackaserta 81100

Dear Roberto,
The editors of "Ilcontesto" wants to be near you at this difficult time and express appreciation and solidarity. But solidarity does not want and can not stop here: the 80s onwards, all too often the seeds of rebellion against organized crime have been made bankrupt indifference.
our weapons, we are aware, are little sharp to constitute an effective defense, but we want to add our solidarity with the clear obligation not to drop your complaint in a vacuum, not to turn the spotlight on organized crime especially when the uproar over the affair will be diminished. The obligation to remember that after the complaint has to fight and build, because appeals and events affect not defeat Gomorrah.
journal Ilcontesto "

have expressed solidarity with Roberto

Lorenzo Diana (resp. anti-Mafia ds)

Joshua Bove (AnsMode refoundation Caserta)

I'm with Robert. Peter

I hope that we will more and more with Roberto and against the Camorra, because in recent years
solitude was really great! John
Agrorinasce scrl

Roberto Forza ... we are with you! Do not give up. Left
Teversham Youth

Zacchaeus House of Blessed Sacrament Fathers "is with Robert." We Caserta four years in which we have always, more or less told that the situation is critical in this area also because no one spoke of the Camorra, as if it was "their thing". Roberto brings us back to "cosa nostra".
Two years ago I was at St. Mary Tanz at a conference organized by the students on the legality and I remember well, among the skilled interventions (not the least of our strong and always on time Sergio T.), the dui Nino Phoney priest in Palermo , who said: "The Mafia is an organization and how every organization of this world is born, grows and may die. Why has inculcated in people the idea of \u200b\u200binvincible, impossible seem powerless against whom? "
In the name of my two friends say this thinking about what little we know of Caserta and environs. There is a lot of great individuality but Christ our Lord! why so much disruption! Given the challenges so strong if we really believe the Common Good (I put it with a capital letter because it is party, everybody, come from anywhere: from Saviano, by Sister Rita Ruth House, the home Good ... if I see it and feel I just need help to develop it and not to hinder!) we have a duty not to be naughty children but adults who can leave behind "their interests" while legitimate and valid. Thanks to Roberto
holding vigilant, he is like many others, thankfully, women and men who remind us that a new world is possible. They do their part and pay the salt but we know that the problem is not to boast that we have brave as martyrs or Don Peppino. The problem is: how come we can not let anything pass between people and I say just look in my house, in the church. Why not grow a people culturalmenente. How is it that we lack credibility among the people, between people. We begin to look inside the house meanwhile. Something I hope to teach us the story of water in Naples. Something I hope to teach us the question Ma.C.Ri.Co as a historic opportunity for Caserta to "elevate" a little from the shackles of grettissimi interests related to their "stronghold" and we are not aware of putting in place the very same dynamics that we want to fight!
"Go forth from your land and go" it's the beginning of Abraham. Saviano will help us put together a little more humbly with our special? I hope it only because this, Roberto, I think the answer to your support of true courage. For Zacchaeus House


Journalists and editors of our cooperative and Review of Auditors join the call of solidarity with writer Roberto Saviano launched in recent days by some colleagues, give notice of the reasons for which the latest issue of L'Espresso. The families of the Camorra Caserta, according to the reconstruction of the magazine, they vowed revenge for the young author of Gomorra, the complaint is to powerful in the book, is based on the system that their ill repute, both for his words on a stage, next to the Speaker of the House during a demonstration against the criminal clans in the area held a few weeks ago in Casal di Principe, a fief of the godfathers Iovine, Schiavone, Zagaria. "You'll have to go from this land," he shouted Saviano, naming them one by one, in front of people gathered in the square, among which was not difficult to detect even the emissaries of the underworld surprised by a daring so gr

Roberto Saviano we know well from time to time as we know her courageous battle, starting from the observatory anticamorra the province of Naples, arrived today on the front pages of national newspapers.

few months before the report that gave him fame (even in the eyes of the boss) he wrote for "The Month in Review" a true story about child workers and the Camorra, always on the "Month", this past spring allowed us to anticipate a chapter of Gomorrah in which reconstructs the story of a revolt of the Neapolitan suburbs nipped in the bud by crime organized.

Gomorrah, a report written with the techniques and the depth of a novel, is one of its strengths in its ability to dig into the gray area in which long fade until it disappears boundaries that mark the company's profile, economy of legal life with those from which they start the underground economy and illegal. Memorable are the pages - there's an intensity that is capable of finding only great literature - in which, showing the main characters work, we reconstruct the stages of the auctions through which the big brands rely on the procurement of clandestine laboratories their packaging, you pay four pounds and put back on market at stratospheric prices.

We are not surprised, therefore, the threats that the writer has received.

He was accused by the mayor of Naples Iervolino - reveals the Espresso - to be "fixed" and "cross-eyed", a case similar to that expressed in a local newspaper referred to the godfathers of the Camorra uses to launch their warnings. We believe and hope that the words attributed to the mayor to be a misunderstanding.

I'm with Robert.

Pietro Cuccaro
Villa Literno (EC)
(in full Gomorrah!)

Solidarity journalist Roberto Saviano
To the grave and cowardly act of intimidating a background threat of criminality perpetrated against the person of "Roberto Saviano," the journalist's source Caserta, author of Gomorrah, comes the message of peace Agnese Ginocchio songwriter movement for Peace. The following words: "We are outraged and offended. We express our condemnation and disgust toward the perpetrators of that and ask them in the name of peace, to repent and to examine their conscience before it is too late. You can not escape the trial of this world, but certainly not one escapes to the supreme God. We ask those who think that to silence the 'voices' prophecy of this time of death by the corrupt methods of' extortion, blackmail, threats and violence, the result of 'arrogance of power of death, which corrupts the human soul as a deadly poison and kill it in its true dignity, to repent before it is too late. The blood shed by martyrs for justice, victims of all wars of the mafia, from the blood of the martyrs of our land in the south, in particular, our thoughts turn to the memory of d. Peppino Diana, Vocals, Prophet of peace and a symbol of Justice, cries at the sight of heaven. The sky does not leave unpunished, but always listens to the voice of his children who cry 'Justice and Peace'! Who lives by cutting blade wounds. War calls war and violence to more violence. The evil turns against the authors with the same force and intensity more annihilated everything in the fire of hell. The evil will perish at the sound of Justice and Peace will return to reign over the children of his people! This is the time of the witness and courage to make in the name of peace, why then legalità.Solidarietà outweigh the rights of the journalist Roberto Saviano, closeness and peace. Robert, like all people who suffer are not only threats from the mafia, Peace and all his witnesses are lined up on their side. United in courage and nonviolent struggle disarming of the property, to ensure that all darkness will prevail forever the light of Hope! Shalom. "Source: Agnese Ginocchio-Movement for Peace (

On behalf of the management, ownership and editorial staff of dela "We are with Roberto."
with him and with whom, like him, have the strength to denounce - without
speculation, risking retaliation by the Camorra and Mafia.
It 'important that they are daughters of that land just
that most of the other suffers from the presence Camorra.
In great pain, the example of great people redeem our people.

Peter Ricciardi

all my solidarity with the courageous Roberto Saviano
I've read the book and I had the good fortune to listen to more pignataro
(ce )..... we can not leave him alone .... in this criminal indifference

John Naccarato

Angelo Franco said ...
I'm with Robert, also on behalf of my son Antonio, who wanted a world of love and was instead murdered by arsenic, strychnine and talcum powder in a July night in 2005: this is the "bread" that gives the Camorra our children ...


" Roberto Saviano is not alone, we must not leave him alone. An intellectual without worrying about their personal convenience addresses problems affecting the whole community, accepting the risks that they derive from his work, is worthy of respect and attention. Its security is a debt to our society. " This hot
remarks from the Mayor of Caserta, Nicodemus Petteruti, after news of the threats received by the writer Saviano (Casertano adoption to have lived long in the city) and initiatives of the Prefecture of Caserta to protect its security.
"The isolation in which, press reports, would come to be a writer, if that was not justified. You can disagree, discuss, even argue, but the isolation is another thing, "thinks the Mayor.
"I believe" is his thought, "that no institution intended to remove the problem Saviano, relegated to oblivion or decree isolation. He did not Rosa Russo Iervolino, who has publicly expressed respect for and solidarity with Roberto Saviano intimidation directed against him, remembering his support in the past, Silvana Fucito victim of extortion. Another is a debate, always useful, more would turn his eyes elsewhere. For my part September 22, the day of presentation of Gomorrah of Mondadori library Caserta, I left the City Council in progress, accepting malicious criticism from the opposition to participate in private, but clearly at the event, demonstrating the author interest and consideration. Other than isolation, "" I'm ready - he concluded - to participate in any initiative to uphold the principles of democracy, solidarity and peaceful coexistence and the right of everyone to feel protected by society, whatever the views that freely within the law seeks to convey. Remember correctly or was intended to say that he gave his life to allow anyone to freely express their ideas? "

Caserta, October 13, 2006 The Press Office

Many are alone in a society that is more outraged, too many resources were
legality thrown away, sacrificed at the altar of power and money.
Roberto has made known to the media to Italy and know what we knew
the ruling classes of the province of Campania for decades.
We know who is visited by ministers of our government has no anti-Mafia
certification for his company.
We know how we do elections in Casal di Principe
, St. Cyprian, Casapesenna, Villaliterno,
We know who pretends not to notice and take their money, their services
clean and respectable appearance.
We know that there is only a racket which shoots and sells drugs, but using money in the business for
washed well, undertaking policy regardless Poly
, hitting and isolating those who are against becoming generous and generous with those who have
bandages over his eyes.
All of us today, to stay close to Saviano talk a little more, many,
where you must speak, on the premises of the decision of the selection.
denounced at a meeting of the regional Ds shame for the investigation on the case
Chianese (trade waste) that involved a very different titles
between their faces, and high Pinto linked to our world that had
responsibility for the cycle waste in Campania, the regional secretary of the party
apologized to the audience that I had offended ........? After a few days to
Pomiglianoambiente snapped the interdiction and investigation of anti-mafia ........
complicity Chianese goes on.
Create a blog that says these things so hear a little less ice that I suffered from many fellow
for saying those things.
Carlo Scatozza

Also I'm with Robert. From Milan, where you do not see Gomorrah, but does business.

Marcello Vinonuovo, journalist Rcs

are Rosario Castellana, secretary of the Youth Section of the Left "W. Schepis" Favara (Ag). I, too, and all the comrades of the section we are with Robert, because we feel the need for new southern Italy, a land that gives us different un'oppurtunità the present, a land where we can get something because it is our right and not because there is a favor. And that is why we firmly believe it is necessary to fight, have the courage to always fight and the wisdom to always do all together!.

Also I'm with Robert.

Francesco Di Crescenzo

Hello Roberto and Luisa Manduri we Mirko Guarriello
just wanted to tell you that we are with you.

CIA Roberto are all with you.
by the directors of the Rotary Club of San Nicola la Strada

Michael Grimaldi - Regional Secretary Left Youth Campania

The Camorra and his mentality are the first enemy to be fought in this region, as elsewhere in Italy.
bribery, corruption, rigged contracts, link-state crime, drug trafficking and prostituzion are before the eyes of everyone but no one has the courage to denounce them. Or rather, no one has the courage to admit their existence as a problem. Italy is a fake country, where the blinkers is the jewel of the most loved and desired.
Those who fight and denounces the Camorra is not a hero ... but simply a person conscious that he understood from where all the ills of our society dirty.
denounce and fight, even in private, are a must for everyone. How
obligation is to support all these people and create a network to support the struggles of common people, such as associations, community centers, individuals and other experiences, daily fight against the Camorra and its children.

Marko & Titty
from Millepiani SPA [self-managed public space]

Roberto Forza!
You are not alone!

Astronik potentino blogger!

full solidarity with Roberto Saviano.

Roberto are not alone, we are with you.

for the State immediately feel his strong hand on our territory in the fight against the Camorra
Green Peace
San Nicola la Strada

Roberto Forza!

We are with you ...

I'm doing propaganda to make your voice heard and to buy your book

You are not alone!

Fabrizio Liparulo

Left Free University, an association of law students
of the Second University of Naples, stands with Roberto Saviano.

great esteem and admiration for your courage, we hope that face numerous offspring and keep you out of trouble !!!!!!!!!
anna marine

Luigi Botto
direction Radicals Lucani

against the blackmail of the gangs and against the culture of silence, some say no

as one can not be with Robert at his side ... to be mean
rediscover citizens, sons of a land destroyed by indifference ..
resignation .. who thinks "so they kill each other" ..
from a middle class drunk on falsehood, too many hands that one day
sign appeals to save the city and accept advice from others with the only powerful
intent to silence them .. dear roberto
in the way we think about many different things .. we are probably years away
light .. but .. we grew up in the same land with the same force
.. you scream from Casal di Principe and I the other bagnoli
illusion of our leaders .. I think there is still a small space where people of good will
can trigger the "revolution of life" ..
in this space are sure to find you too!
Peter Covering

Your courage to defeat the true strength of a culture of Camorra

drafting Radioazioni

is Bruno Murgia, deputy of An. Quest 'summer I read the wonderful "Gomorra" and, while not knowing the author' s what happens I do not like. There I enclose the statement made some days ago and photographed by 'Ansa.

Greetings. Bruno Murgia.

Also I'm with Robert.
All my sympathy to the young Saviano, author of one of the most disruptive "wise men" on the Camorra in recent years.
The company does not just shocked by the threats and retaliation against his ongoing book-DECLARED. E 'need a new mass mobilization and a new cultural battle to revive the commitment to it openly against the criminal powers.

Fabio Santoro
Office Minister for Reforms and Innovation in the PA

Hello Roberto, Caserta
the arch is with you.
We express our solidarity and we are available if you
it deems appropriate to field any initiative to
can show that this province is not just the "ostrich" or Camorra.
I too am with Roberto.
Biagio Napoli (Caserta arch)

today I have got on your blog, and I reported your
even on my initiative.
Thanks for the initiative.


We are close to Robert with the daily behavior and the mobilization
Tweety Malorni Daniela Augusto Alessandro Parente

Prof. Augusto Parente
Department of Life Sciences
Second University of Naples

As a citizen of Caserta, as a boy against any kind of mafia, as a university student ready to support any initiative to raise awareness, I say out loud I'm with Robert!

who touches him or others engaged in social work against organized crime is warned: it will have a response equal and opposite! It is not a promise but a threat!

Alessandro Maglione

I am with Roberto Palma


Nicholas Ucci (Left Youth)

Aureliano Farina

John Maddaloni (Ds S. Maria CV)

In recent days have become public domain
threats received by the writer Roberto Saviano, Campania, author of Gomorrah,
by the Camorra.
I appreciate the work of Saviano, having given so much attention issues that each
forget, they are also convinced that the face of these terrible threats
should not be left alone. So
Roberto knows that he is not alone in that so many who care
this case, which is not only a bell, but it concerns us all. Pierfrancesco Maran

Milan City Council
The Olive Group

solidarity with Saviano.

Luca Elia - Councillor DS, Baranzate (MI)

in September was held the third annual Bug Fest in Caserta, a non-self Festival This year's event as a meeting point for all four evenings the CITY BUILDING theme ... 'COMMON ... And what better topic such as the Camorra to start talking and rebuild our cities? Caserta in particular that is crossed by a Camorra silent as she can and shows that few have the courage to invite Roberto denunciare.Quindi seemed obvious in our small space specifically for the festival, as a first step to a new city's liberation to speak not only of his book but to start an argument wider on the Camorra and the like. Legalistic mindset on the Camorra. On the many links between local state and beyond and the Camorra. On the racketeering, prostitution, rigged contracts, drug dealing. All things with which we live, and that almost always seem normal for our land. But this is the real Camorra to fight ... and this is the racket that hurts the most! And then it seems even more obvious to express our solidarity, not only in words written behind a computer, Roberto, who had the courage to write these things in exposing himself, but also to all those who fight against the Camorra not write books, to all those who are affected by racketeering, to all those who have been killed relatives and friends. To those who fight without going on national news. Who almost ashamed to say that he is against because it is surrounded by the Camorra mafia, the Camorra e.Autogenous but basically it is everywhere ... we create networks, meet, resist, daily activities and develop new ways of tackling the Camorra. Let us not stop at simple comments solidarietàNoi we! ... Our space is open to any proposal and incotro. Social Laboratory Millepiani - CasertaSpa [self-managed public space] against the Camorra and Fascism! WE ALL AND WE ARE ALL WITH ROBERTO ROBERTO!

All comrades of the Left and simpatizanti Environmentalist prov of Casertastanno by Roberto Saviano camorra.Ergiamo together against a rubber wall NO! the Camorra, has on our every time Chesi strada.Solo with a NO! unanimous and continuous for all we no longer fear the Camorra esconfiggeremo Come on Robert! THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE AND FOR THAT WE USED BY THE DISCONFIGGERE CAMORRA!
left ecologist prov. Caserta.

just to tell you that you are not alone, thank you for your courage

Dear Roberto, We have read your book and putting more and more suffering to focus on a feeling of gratitude for your trip to ' Inside our realtà.Tu ¹ s you crossed with your bare skin, maybe pore closed but still skin viva.Ti six taken on the task of making the trip for all of us who live here and soffriamo.GrazieSezione Aversa Union Consciousness manager David Vargas

Also I'm with Robert, as always when I had the good fortune to know him. Roberto, do not give up, together we will succeed. Roberto
Solofriaregista and actor of the show "The ruins" from the novel "Sandokan - the story of the Camorra" di Nanni Balestrini

I am with Roberto
Luigi Russo (Caserta Counsellor Provinviale Ds)

I claim my sacred right to live free here in my country, and not in my unaltro posto.Col spartacus logs as I am with Robert and subtract. Ilaria
Cecoro, Casal diPrincipe

x if I came to your blog, come on, keep it up!

Also I am with Robert and indeed thank him very much for your courage!
Tiziana Saracco

Even I am with Roberto, a struggle that we all have to take! Take back what is ours.
Calemme Alessandro, head CNGEI sect. Casoria

The Left youth section "Primo Levi" is all with Roberto! Salvatore Valente

Secretary Sg Mondragone

Hello Roberto, I'm with you! Thanks
, heart ...
Mariagrazia Carcarino - Portici (Na)

In the book we've talked about a teacher who, with his bold choices, he paid with the exclusion from society, friends (!) And in deiparenti.Faremo so that this will not happen because we can not definirciuomini and look in the mirror in the morning if only we tap ilpensiero to pretend not to know.
You are great - Paul

I'm with robert! roberto invite to meet young people from Capodrise. leparole the stresses and challenges of our young writer must be alcentro of our civile.Soprattutto social commitment and political choices of those who work, who addresses by politicians and those who implement such guidelines. Paola
Pontillo assessor, Giovanni Lauda segretariocomunale

Hello ... I'm with Robert because he was brave to raise their heads and to rise up in the way .. who knows ... I hope through writing that one day we are many like him to raise his head, to respond firmly to the logic here ... because of the Camorra in Campania the Camorra are not only those who go down the street and kill people ... are the ones that do not line up believing to be more smarter than others, those who seek to impose itself on others ... and if all those who feel the hope in your heart that one day things could change for the knowledge that really change anything but silence and indifference will exist one day something will change ... we educhiamoli children and men and women to be true ... and live with hope in your heart ... sometimes I fear when I look into my eyes and I think someone already dead ... when I leave here I'm going to buy his book ... Luisa

I'm with Marisa Roberto

I am with Roberto
Iaconopresidente Italy Maria Rosaria Our sect. Caserta

defend Roberto Saviano.Ma Ok how about defending your city or by Caserta politicainguacchiata of Camorra represented with honors from RiccardoVentre, Petter, and Zinzi De Franciscis? Or Theft Capobianco and Panella? or those made by Falcon or do shed light on how it is elected or by Caserta exchanging vows? Kids grow up,
Ivan Montanaro

Everyone must become architects of their own destiny. Any reality that lives around ènostra, we can, we condition it, change it, renew it.
Augustine Morgillo DS Caserta

do not know who physically set the blog .... but I find a great bullshit not being able to access all the comments I sctitto my comment of solidarity ... but I did not publish saying that I I recorded it and bla bla bla .... I do not see an easy way to bring everyone to a moment of solidarity .... it may be to avoid anonymous comments minacicosi or insulting ... but streamlined the process ... I'm a blogger I tried to log on with my blogger account ... but not even that ... the way ... I have not figured out how to mica you to register? now I'll put your time ... but not everyone has time to waste, even if only for just cause if you are collecting items porhgete the "virtual megaphone" as + simple as possible ... among other things to consider is that not all familiar with computer languages \u200b\u200b... me included! just a suggestion ... I admire your initiative and I hope that this message is seen as a personal contribution to facilitate the spread ... not to take as a presumptuous act of listening and thanks good work ... ps We are not a perk but a death squad and we're going to shoot into the mouths of the Camorra? cognomili names and we love it ... I shoot, I just have to practice at the shooting range ... but I'll put the effort! ehheheheh! if we wait for the state ... we are freska ...!! Lara

are totally supportive of your battle. Gianni

Hello Roberto, do not know you but I agree, no ifs, ands or buts, your analysis on the Camorra and the complicity that support it. For the future of many young South - Campania, Calabria, Puglia and Sicily - and the civil development of the country are not enough words, but real commitment, consistent and coherent during every minute of our lives and in the preparation of any act of administration and government, each of us, of the representatives of civil society and democratic institutions to achieve the full affirmation of the culture of legality and finally to free our lands from cancer of the Camorra.
Dear Robert, I know, you feel alone, but in this fight is growing a new civic consciousness less flashy but more profound, thanks to your work with you will be reinforcing the front "against all mafias." Always at your side. Domenico

I am also against the Camorra by Roberto.

The little I can do is where I'm showing my solidarity to those who courageously
has put himself at risk to try to change things and fight the threats to mafia.Le Roberto Saviano show that the gangs are afraid of ideas and words and they are afraid that people change and begin to raise their heads even in difficult areas such as the Neapolitan or parts of southern Italy in generale.Non all have the courage of Roberto Saviano, but at least be solidarity with him and not to miss the support for those is a step in the fight against the mafia must be a duty for each of noi.I 'for this I write to you and that is why I linked your blog from mine! Make sure all the words that will reach not only words but lost in the Internet serve as a force to be used to combat this battaglia.Un embrace
Antonio Fall

Our sympathies to Robert, who, though more focused in scope, it battetutti day against organized crime for the protection of 'environment edel territory
LIPU Caserta

I am with Roberto Andrea Tortora
President DPLF Caserta

I am with Roberto Arturo
Palo Alto, Councillor DS Caserta

I am with Roberto
Enzo Battarra, Common Experiences of theatrical anthropology Caserta

Perhaps many voices will reach farther. I wish I
informaste on your initiatives through
Perna Antonio

Dear, harbor the wholehearted Left diBologna youth.
Good luck and hold on, Frank Critelli

Roberto are not alone!
Pasquale Paciello - Carinaro (EC)

I'm with robert 'cause he had the courage to write things that are on everyone's lips but no one dares pronunciare.Basta with omerta' ... Out of the balls !

express full solidarity with Roberto Serino Sg
Louis Benevento

blessed the land that needs heroes "
There are lots of" Gomorrah, "battered Regione.Sono quieted in many places where, without outcry, the Camorra influence and decide the lives of people dimigliaia, clipping the wings of an entire people. 's why I'm with Robert,' cause his commitment and 'the commitment of us all, and intimadizioni addressed to luk are addressed to each of us.
Francis GentileSinistra Youth "E. Berlinguer "S. Giovanni a Teduccio (Napoli)

With Roberto against the arrogance of the Camorra and the culture of omertà. Collective Vocenueva - San Jose Vesuvius (Naples)

My signature in support of the struggle of Roberto, who is also our struggle in the daily acts. Cynthia
troops - Aversa

I'm with Robert.
adda step 'to Nutt.

I am with Roberto
Femina Carmine, Milan

if everyone did by obtaining MINIMUM MAXIMUM IN THE FIGHT TO MAFIE.PASQUALE Di Pede
We are tired of this state that in some of its territories is little short of a win pagliacciata.Deve 's honesty, should not escape those who report, they have to go! dream a state worthy of that role, to fight terrorism as if the Camorra, violently wagging, without warrant, dream of ways by the Israeli army, more open warfare, the better that this evil infiltrating a dictatorship, karst latent obviates live here, consuming dentro.Hanno destroyed our land our energies, our hopes, the right to a normal life! I would be proud to be Italian, I will when I have been a while, I'm ashamed, very strongly, I vergogno.La people learn Sato will understand only when it is serious. Salvatore
Coronella, Mondragon

Our Cultural Association Bourbon "Land of Work" associated with solidarity in your struggle so that, one day soon, our children no longer ashamed to be called so disprezzante Southern.
dr. Pompeo De Bourbon ChiaraPresidente Cultural Association "Terra di Lavoro" Caserta



because things are not going to say that it is never granted, because for once you can bring national attention to our personal daily struggle against the Camorra increasingly pervasive and oppressive, because even if a bit far from everything I hope that my support will arrive strongly, Ilaria
Pizzellauna mondragonese Bologna

They want the silence to continue their business undisturbed. Silence to protect fear and impunity. And we speak instead, and the voices do not count. And mix, and you do fragorose.Siamo many, many more of them, all around a drum that should never stop suonare.E continue to speak and write and scream and marciare.Non one voice broke the silence. A thousand voices and a thousand marches to destroy him, so it disperses even the memory, and in this din of screams and eyes are always open polverizzino fear and impunity.
Catherine of amicoroberto, and we are VERY!

I stand united with robert! Elpidio

I'm with roberto.Mobilitiamoci and denounce.
All together now. Guido

I am with Roberto
Ovid Marzaioli

we are with Roberto
against all mafias, ignorance and silence that let them spread
free to be and not to appear
Peppe Sodano on behalf of the Rebirth of Kollettivo SARNO

We are with Robert S.
Ds Leucio Caserta

Dear Roberto
All of us at Radio Network before you are close in Your courageous statement to the evil that afflicts our land and prevents it can develop in a context of civil, democratic and participatory. Our microphones are always open and at your disposal whenever she gives them to explore issues or topics for discussion and reflection for all.
with sincere affection
The CEO of First Network Ltd

Dr. Antonio Gazzillo

I'm looking at the site, a friend of mine shot me an email with the link, and now I even a little lighthouse spam.Una healthy for once that it's worth it !!....

I too am with Roberto.
I, a girl from the province of Caserta not like you had the balls to tackle this our reality
and is due to leave for the moment,
pretend the problem does not exist, to mature and take a revenge
when I grew up completely. But then the problem always weighs too
mainly ki pretends not to notice, the link is always too strong. There
we always complain, but the problem is too mentality. As long as there are
children as those 10 years I've known
who say "Leave me alone, I am the son of Camorra" there will be a way out.

But then I read about guys like Roberto ... I understand and ke ... We can do it! Go
, Robe, we are all with you.
Emy (sg mondragone - left university siena)

Also I am with Roberto Carillo
by Pasquale Salerno, in support of those who fought courageously against all forms of organized criminal community.

If the land there was the poetry
and only fields in the sun and bicycles,
man might not have incattivito.
Solidarity with Robert and all those like him.
A dreamer of Naples (Arianna)

I am with Roberto Luca

Antonio Nasso

We are covered by trash up to the neck (in all senses). But we still hope to avoid stifling
We too are with you.
Arianna and Massimo

The solidarity of the Left Youth Modena Roberto Saviano
"We send our invitation to the institutions, the media, to all political forces, all social organizations and all those who care about the freedom, not just leave Roberto "

transmit the text of a letter of support signed by representatives of the Left youth and student representatives to university bodies, the journalist Roberto Saviano, forced to live under guard after threats received by the Camorra.

Gentile Director,
these days all the press rightly gave prominence to the story of the young Roberto Saviano, a journalist and freelance writer, author of "investigation" Gomorrah. Stories, wars and affairs of the Camorra. " In this narrative reportage Saviano reveals the mysteries of the "System" (so the members talk about the Camorra), powerful criminal organization in number of people and turnover. Following the publication and circulation of this book and other public anti-mafia who have seen him on the front lines, the writer has been the subject of terrible threats and intimidation (mute phone calls, anonymous letters, both small and large daily abuse) . Also following the appeal made by Umberto Eco, the Minister Amato has a personal interest in the case and has launched special protective measures against the writer. At the moment, then Roberto Saviano, just 27 years old, lives and armored escort because he had the great courage to defy the Camorra clan and organized crime bell.
arise from this story a few reflections that can not be silenced. First, we want to express our deepest sympathy to Robert. Just as happened for example for the children of Locri, took to the streets against the 'Ndrangheta, we feel close to him, his courage, his willingness to change the world and to fight effectively with the power of ideas organized crime, the real cancer in Campania and southern Italy.
Secondly, we want to reaffirm and commit to the many calls have come from the world of culture, politics and civil society. We therefore call on our institutions, the media, to all political forces, all social organizations and all those who cherish freedom, not just leave Roberto.
We sincerely hope that our appeal is accepted by all the boys and girls of Italy, without distinction of geography, political affiliation and social development. This is because the strength that comes from a mobilization of young people is immense and it's really capable of winning battles difficult but essential for our future in this country. Elisa
Town Secretary Sg Modena
James Gullo
Provincial Secretary Sg Modena
Roman Gabriel of the University Student Council President
Modena and Reggio Emilia
Matteo Pedroni
Coordinator list student left
Giorgio Zippo
Board of Directors of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

I could not put any comment in your blog
know they're commenting on the story of Roberto
in schools know that many guys with roberto
those on the side of legality can not
roberto roberto
be with you brave boy
force roberto honest people are with you

Only courage can change the world
Claudia Pasquini

I'm with Roberto Roberto Cirillo

I'm with robert

anna cricket caserta

'm not a peer but I feel very close to Robert with a clear obligation to thank him.
prof. Lucio d'Alessandro

Thank you for what you are doing for Naples, for society, for us ...
petunia 70

The strength of Gomorrah is the depth of the human gaze with which Saviano weaves the description of a world. The strength of Gomorrah is the look of a field that rejects the corruption, degeneration, which affects a world that love those eyes. If it were not
Roberto Campania could never write this book.
I'm with Robert, I defend the dignity of the society and culture of the South.
Eleonora Gasparini, Avellino

I'm with robert

Hello, Roberto!
I'm on your side,
Ignatius Licciardi
(university professor, University of Palermo)

;-) I'm with robert

Iacopo Balocco

The association "mud" of Casal di Principe is with Roberto

'm with Roberto in the heart of so many lives because the desire for something to change and are ready to do our small, small part, then come and Roberto that desire becomes a roar. Roberto Forza, I'm with you!

we are with Robert and we will make our voice against any form of
Camorra. Pasquale Migliaccio

Youth Margherita di Orta Atella

The city is with you! Angelo Marasco

behind you as well, and we say thank you.

Roberto Forza! do not abandon
Rosa Piccolo Caserta

also from Germany I'm with Roberto

hello guys just wanted to tell you that for days has been on our site the letter-appeal to favor of Roberto Saviano (in our interview will be released in the next issue of ANTIMAFIA Two Thousand, on newsstands in about a week).
If you have any initiatives, projects & c send us all to this address or the central
soon and good luck to you. Lorenzo Baldo

Deputy ANTIMAFIA Two thousand

Roberto and I we met between 93 and 96. We were in the same high school and attended the same meeting: "Out of the Market Square and High School." We had the fantasy football team and he called the "Free anonymous" as if I'm not mistaken, the name that stood on some self-produced and distributed leaflets outside the High School. These were the years of occupation, when many of us are "born". Most of those free spirits had been asleep in the everyday routine of our "charming" town. Some, like me, have continued to devote much of their free time to political, civil and social. And do not hide the pride that I carry within me of my commitment to trade unionism as an added value to my academic status of a citizen of the world. But before the work of Robert, I deflated! I felt like it should feel a prick who does not for anyone! Because the impact of the work of Saviano is silent as devastating. Causes implosion in his own consciousness. Especially since much of what he says is known to us. So as to be near him? It is not easy! Its vitality in a swamp is to me so unapproachable. Celebrate as a champion and make a battle (I use a lot of our Masaniello of duty), however, worries me, because it exposes even more than he has already finished with the risk that the "boom" to find himself alone. Do not give resonance to his book, his work, would fade away the momentum that has given many and the message that he has launched. But maybe I want to know from him what to do so. I think us "civil society" touches follow the example of Robert, Don Peppino Diana, Don Ciotti, Falcone and Borsellino, The Boys of Locri, Peppino Impastato, each as far as knowledge and courage permits, the Camorra SPEAKING AND ASKED If I bring it in exact terms and consistently. Destroy the image of superior entity that can not be described, and avoided injury, if not combated! The Camorra has long disappeared from political agendas and, with few exceptions, also by the mass media! How predictable, known Saviano behind a procession of proclamations of solidarity for their own sake of those who seek to advertise the bank ... IoStoConRoberto and I wonder constantly about how! The blog is a good starting point would be signed with enthusiasm!
Antonio CIOFFI

Anch'iostoconroberto! Henry

but why not print all sti comments and papered the walls of Naples??
Piero Siffiero from Salento

will report this on my blog too ...
I'm with Robert, absolutely!

not arrendiamoci

Hello Roberto

I read the book, I devoured. Fantastic.!

I'm with you. ! I talk about you, discuss with people your book. Invitation to buy it ... and the gift.

My compliments.

Luca Vannetiello
Medicine Surgeon

... a little longer and will be 'the day for the right man, come on, we are with Roberto.
Gianfranco & Co.

I'm with Robert Paschal

I'm with Roberto.sempre and forever.
Antonio - student

I am with Roberto!
Roberta Vianello

I'm with Robert, because we are him and he is us ... the opposite would mark an inevitable agony of mankind ..
Robert Iovino (student union)

Also I am with Roberto! Arianna
Vecchini Vr

I am also with you. Courage.
Gianluca Guarnieri

Hello, I'm Angie and I work on super addition to the kitchen of our sezionededicata alal regione.Tutto what I propose and 'the result of merapassione, please sonon a writer nor a journalist, but only one person linked allasua terra.Ho highlighted your site and the other dedicated to him = ~ 2-e151350788a4e55b471ec524fc899787fa88aaf4d3d5a2ccdca1dad6c8616c686f737400 & url = http! 3A! 2F!! 2F I wanted to make available to guide any initiative asostegno of the writer and not just for everything 'that revolves intornoalla faccenda.Non are very good at writing, but if you feel like, you invitoa write a little something that maybe we could publish my pages.
Angie Cafiero

from words to deeds
I'm with Matt Manfredi Roberto

subscribe returning a sentence of Einstein "The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of evil people, but for all those people watching and doing nothing"
Loredana Mariniello, a university professor "Federico II"

I express my approval and esteem for the young author! We should also examine several political positions in Parliament e. .. we discover some good, some bad indeed ..!

Roberto, I'm with you.
Pina Balassone

I am with Roberto Saviano.Le mafias are the cancer of Italy. We want to heal. Carmen Guarino

Unity is strength. The fact remains that, against Islamic extremists, "avimmo fact 'na Fiura and' mmerde. Roberto as Salman Rushdie. The Casalesi Secondiglianesi and as the Iranians. Congratulations, Roberto.
Raffaele Di Tommaso.

a boyfriend but you put on the site m 's "stick":) ... but it was a escherso sostituitemelo with the post I made some time ago on this issue I'll paste

writer Roberto Saviano is a young, good ecoraggioso, feeling the tears of their land. let's not leave alone. kisses to all Antonio Nasso

Hello, I'm doing a piece on Roberto for Stilos. In addition to interviews with writers and himself, I'd like to talk with someone who is directly concerned with the question as you. Would you like to make a brief interview? Thanks. For what you do and for your patience. Flavia

I am with Roberto !!!!!!!!!!!!! schezzinissimo

have just entered a bookshop in Rome .... on the shelves, close to several Pansa, Mouth, Amman, only one copy of "Gomorrah"! Although small, it seems to me a sign! Being with Roberto means not accept that part of the existing tantospesso of which we complain, but very few times that we bring to light! Roberto hafatto him, and he did so egregio.Per this we must show our closeness ... Gianluca Green

Against those who think that this is normal,
against those who are always ready to advise caution and lack of interest, against the disruption, the collapse and all the darkest fears of the south.
I am with Roberto
Ignazio Leone, Trani

Hello, my name is Francois Fish and besides wanting to join the blog in favor of Roberto, I would refer this site ? cmd = url & xdata = ~ 2-e151350788a4e55b471ec524fc899787fa88aaf4d3d5a2ccdca1dad6c8616c686f737400 & url = http! 3A! 2F! , maybe asking to publish it on the blog itself. Inside is a letter, which can be signed.

Greetings and good work Francois

I'm with Robert, do not give up.

from Bologna Francesca Novelli

I am with you .... and I'm glad I told you with a gesture.

Roberta Puglisi

subscribe to the call of solidarity for Roberto Saviano.
Rome, October 25, 2006
Luigi Galloni

Although Roberto is just a drop of fresh water and clear in the middle of the city and stormy all'oceanosalmastro Neapolitan , I hope you can drink at least INPART from numbness and resignation that kills us. Each day. IO-CON STO-Robert. John Casella

Your blog is nice, but not enough! Roberto Saviano is siding with right, mapensare to suffice, it is wrong! Stay close do not mean to leave him alone, are Convoy! I am a journalist, I deal a lot of crime for a newspaper known delMezzogiorno. Privately, I had my uncles on the market in Naples, ricevereuna bomb that destroyed the store, damaging homes and injuring people. The day for three days and I worked with them to make them ricominciare.Dell 'argument does not therefore speak from hearsay ... I have known Saviano, I had the honor. It 's a simple young and prepared Senzala traditional exaltation that success brings. I wish I knew semprecome were maintained in Sant'Egidio del Monte Albino for the presentation of Suolibro. We are in October, a time that autumn leaves burning facevacadere today Salerno in the air of many cities and beyond, perhaps I would say the bells, but I do not live at all ... there's the stench of waste burned. Toxic, of course. Viviamol'ennesima waste crisis, elsewhere the "rubbish" is a resource, diventaperfino a sweater from us is rotten and that's it, goes to landfill. Trovaresoluzioni not mean serious problems leaving the field open to anti State. Means to combat it steal some land on which to grow. Personally sonocontraria commissions, studies, torchlight, strategic etc-etc. on the Camorra. Who wants to fight seriously knows how to do.

I also join.

Roberto Attanasio

are not alone! Ezio

because they are the ones, many who leave. and fortunately, all of us, but he is one that remains. a big hug. Ottavio dibrizzi

Dear Robert, I'm with You also
to sweep L 'Anti-State and all the "Pharisees" that directly or indirectly support it
Salvatore Del Prete ( medical Caserta)

The Student Council of the Second University of Naples expresses solidarity with Roberto Saviano by joining the young and courageous writer in the fight against favor of the law and against all forms of violenza.Grazie Roberto, on behalf of students.

The Clean Clothes Campaign - Italian section of the Clean Clothes Campaign - supports the call for solidarity in defense of Roberto Saviano, and hopes that the institutions and businesses to do their part to protect the public and to promote a society based on respect for human rights, accountability and transparency.

Also I am with Roberto. RFumo